Castele Romania: Castelul Bran, Castelul Peles
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Legenda lui Dracula
Dracula, Castelul lui Dracula, legenda Dracula
Taxe de intrare muzeu:

Castelul Peles - Sinaia
20 RON / persoana - turisti romani si straini
10 RON elevi, studenti, militari

Castelul Pelisor - Sinaia
10 RON / persoana - turisti romani si straini
5 RON elevi, studenti, militari

Castelul Bran - Bran
20 RON / persoana - turisti romani si straini
10 RON elevi, studenti, militari
20 RON taxa camera video

"Castelul Groazei"
15 RON / persoana

Cetatatea taraneasca Rasnov
12 RON/ persoana

Cere oferta personalizata de la toate agentiile de turism


1.Castelul Bran / Bran Dracula Castle [Localitatea Bran judetul Brasov ]
Bran Castle, situated near Bran and in the immediate vicinity of Brasov, Romania, is a national monument and landmark.

The fortress is situated on the border between Transylvania and Wallachia, on Highway 73. In addition to its unique architecture, the castle is famous because of persistent myths that it was once the home of Vlad the Impaler, a famous or infamous medieval warlord; however, there is no evidence that he ever lived there. According to most accounts, the Impaler spent two days in the Bran dungeon, as the area was occupied by the Ottoman Empire at the time. Because of the (disputed) connections between Vlad and the fictional character Dracula, the castle is marketed to foreign tourists as Dracula's Castle; see below.

The castle is open to tourists, who can view the inside by themselves or as part of a guided tour. At the bottom of the hill is a small park to which examples of traditional Romanian peasant structures (cottages, barns, etc.) from across the country have been moved.

The castle passed through royal hands for many generations. For many years at the beginning of the 20th century, it was the principal home of Queen Marie, who, despite her British birth and upbringing, became quite a Romanian patriot. The castle is decorated largely with artifacts from her time, including traditional furniture and tapestries that she collected to highlight Romanian crafts and skills. It was inherited by her daughter Princess Ileana of Romania, and was later seized by the Communist government of Romania in 1948. For many years it was tended to erratically, but after 1980s restoration and the Romanian Revolution of 1989, it became a tourist destination. The legal heir of the castle is the Princess's son Dominic von Habsburg and in 2006 the Romanian government returned it to him[1] (Habsburg is an architect in New York City[2]). In 2007, von Habsburg put the castle up for sale for a price of £40,000,000 ($77,000,000).[3]


External links
* Bran Castle Museum site
* Pictures inside the castle
* Pictures of the Bran Castle and the Bran Castle Museum
* Legend and the facts surrounding Romania's most famous castle
* Castelul Bran - picture gallery, related books, and articles

The stark contours of Bran Castle,in wich it is tought that Prince Vlad Tepes,the legendary Dracula,lived.

A "highlight" excursion from all these resorts is to Bran Castle.Too much is often made of this feudal fortress' associations with the imaginary vampire of Bram Stoker's victorian novel.In fact,the castle's own towering strenght,its narrow stone stairways,the relative smallness of its Lord's rooms and the cleverly authentic way it is furnished give an absorbing picture of how a noble family ruled this district in the 15th and 16th centuries.And "ruled" is the word.

The castle commands a main route to Brasov close to the much fought-over frontier between Transylvania and Wallachia.If Vlad Tepes did live here,that was why and not because of the scenery!.
Castelul Bran - vedere din spate Scara secreta din castel - cel mai interesant  lucru din castel .. Castelul Bran septembrie 2005 Castelul Bran un alt unghi

Castelul Bran poarta numele unui sat construit de-a lungul drumului comercial ce lega odinioara Valahia de Transilvania,drum situat in interiorul unei trecatori flancate de o parte si alta de Muntii Bucegi si Piatra Craiului,doua masive importante ale Carpatilor.

Castelul Bran a fost intodeauna inclus in ghidurile turistice ale regiunii,deoarece conform legendei,Dracula obisnuia adesea sa vina aici.

Edificiul a fost construit in 1382 de catre locuitorii Brasovului,fiind amplasat pe o stanca inalta,pentru a permite supravegherea intregii regiuni.In 1395,Mircea cel Batran,printul Valahiei,a incheiat un tratat de alianta cu Sigismund de Luxemburg,luand in posesie Castelul Bran.

In secolul al XVII -lea,castelul a fost preluat de austrieci si a revenit Romaniei abia in 1918 ; in 1946,Branul a intrat in administratia orasului Brasov,impreuna cu terenurile din jurul sau.

Citadela are patru turnuri amplasate in cele patru puncte cardinale.Ca si zidurile castelului,turnurile sunt construite din piatra masiva.Camerele si coridoarele din incinta Branului formeaza un labirint misterios,iar in curtea interioara se afla o fantana care face legatura cu ascunzatorile subterane.

Castelul Bran a fost si unul din locurile favorite ale Reginei Maria,a carei inima,aflata intr-o caseta de argint,a fost gasita intr-o nisa a edificiului.

Aplasare : pe ruta Bucuresti - Pitesti - Campulung - Rucar - Bran - Brasov, in sudul judetului Brasov si la doar 37 km distanta fata de capitala judetului.Fiind situat cam la aceeasi altitudine cu Predealul,dominante sunt vaile si dealurile,muntii inconjurand locurile,scurtand orizonturile.
Se poate ajunge cu trenul pana la Brasov si de aici cu un autobuz,sau cu autoturismul direct la destinatie.
In apropierea castelului se afla Muzeul etnografic al satului Bran.
In toate perioadele anului,turistii pot inchiria camere in vile/pensiuni taranesti din satele :Sirnea,Moieciu,Fundata si Rucar.
2.Castelul Peles [ Localitatea Sinaia - judetul Prahova ]
Castelul Peles Peles Castel Poza super Caini statui - curte interioara Castelul Peles
Castelul Peles - Sinaia Construit intre anii 1873 - 1883 (etajul I) si intre 1896 si 1914 ( etajul II),de Carol I de Hohenzolleren - primul rege al Romaniei , in stilul Renasterii germane,dupa planurile arhitectului vienez Wilhelm von Doderer si ale celui german Johann Schultz din Lemberg(Lovov),cu tranformari si adaugiri gotice efectuate de arhitectul ceh Karinel Liman in anii 1896 - 1914,este compus din 160 de camere si are un turn central de 66 de m inaltime.
Castelul a fost resedinta regala de vara (pana in 1947),iar astazi adaposteste un muzeu cu colectii de picturi,sculpturi,armuri,covoare,mobila,tapiserii etc.

3.Castelul Pelisor [Localitatea Sinaia - judetul Prahova ]
Fotografii Castelul Pelisor Sinaia februarie 2010 by InfoTravelRomania
Castelul Pelisor Sinaia exterior Castelul Pelisor Sinaia foto Castelul Pelisor Sinaia iarna Castelul Pelisor Sinaia
Castelul Pelisor situat langa Castelului Peles, destinat initial printului Ferdinand I, azi muzeu.

4.Castelul Corvin
Situat in apropiere de muntii Poiana Rusca, Castelul Corvin a fost atestat documentar pentru prima oara de Sigismund de Luxemburg in anul 1409, si din punct de vedere arhitectural, combina stilul gotic cu stilurile renasterii si cel al barocului.

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