REMINDING INVITATION to participate 14th International TourFilm Festival – ITF CROATIA 13-15 OCTOMBRIE 2011


Respectable Ladies and Gentlemen,

Following our letter dated from 13/05/2011. ones again we feel free to remind you of the upcoming preparations and deadlines for the upcoming 14th International TourFilm Festival –ITF’CRO 2011, Croatia. Festival is taking place along with the 18th INTERSTAS /International Club of Merited in Tourism, as well as the 10th KEA/EFE-CRO / Presentation of Croatian towns and villages for the Entente Florale Europe ‘2012. All of these three manifestations will take place from 13.-15.10.2011, under the auspices of the Croatian President, Mr. Ivo JOSIPOVIĆ.

This year as well he 14th ITF’CRO manifestation expects participation of over than 60 countries with more than 200 tourism related and promotional films, travel documentaries,historical, culturological and ecology films competing for the one of the Festival’s Awards and Grand Prix. IMPORTANT NOTICE: In cooperation with ITCO/International TourFilm organisation, films awarded at 14th ITF’CRO 2011, will be presented round 36 countries, with audience of over ten million spectators. It will be great opportunity to present the Country and film awarded by International Jury at the 14th Festivalu ITF ‘CRO. Therefore we would be rather exclusively honoured to see You and film(s) from your Country and, if possible, to provided it to Split 14th ITF’CRO 2011.

Application deadline for DV/Films is: 15. 07. 2011.
For all the additional questions or your interest to participate the 14th ITF’CRO 2011., we are gladly at your disposal. Additional info on these three International Events 14. ITF ’CRO, 18. INTERSTAS i 10. KEA/EFE-CRO, as well as last years Award winning individuals, companies and Gran Prix details you can find on our web site .

Hoping that we will have the opportunity seeing you and your film(s) through your participation at 14th ITF’CRO 2011, we express in advance our gratefulness wishing you a pleasant Welcome on behalf of the Organising Board and City of Solin as main Host of the Event.

Ives Cikatić Bilas
Project coordinator
ITF’CRO – International TourFilm Festival
c/o FISCALIS d.o.o.
Vukovarska 6
HR – 21000 Split, Croatia
Tel: 00385/21/344 048,
Fax: 00385/21/344 255

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1 Response

  1. 21 iunie 2011

    […] TourFilm Festival –ITF’CRO 2011, Croatia. Festival is taking place along with … Continuarea → Citeste articol complet ” REMINDING INVITATION to participate 14th International TourFilm […]