Brasov is promoted to the Berlin Tourism Fair 7-11 march 2012


For the first time, our city wants to attract visitors with a new concept: medical tourism.

Brasov „We come up with something new at the fair. It is medical tourism. The concept is new, Medical Holidays„, but comes out very well. Basically, after several discussions with private unităţatile, we selected four of them and made brochures showing prices of services offered to the highest standards by clinics in Brasov, compared with average prices charged in the European Union.

Of course, on this occasion we promote and medieval festivals are already a tradition in Brasov county, „said Christian Macedonschi, president of the Association for Tourism Promotion and Development of Brasov, quoted by

Romania is present in Berlin, from March 7 to 11, with a stall arranged by the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. Berlin Fair is the largest in the world and attracts every year hundreds of thousands of visitors.

News source: The Truth

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