Video NATA – South meeting to Targoviste, March 6, 2012


NATA meeting South Targoviste, March 6, 2012.
Interview Adrian Voican President ANAT South region.

Interview with Alen Georgescu ANAT South Region Vice President.
Promotion Association will establish Dambovita

Travel agencies in the South gathered today in Targoviste
Today – March 6, 2012 – held in Targoviste biannual meeting of the members of NATA in South Region.After three years, he came again among Dambovita to host a tour event became traditional.Over 20 representatives of travel agencies in seven counties, along with representatives from county authorities, the University Hall and Wallachia, and in the presence of the media have discussed today the most burning issues of tourism in the threshold of the new holiday season.„It is a jubilee today when back to Targoviste after a tour of 10 meetings in various counties of the region and thank colleagues in the industry who are present to prepare the launch of the 2012 tourist season,” said Adrian Voican, President of South Anat.

Among the topics discussed in the five hours of discussion, the most important are:Support local tourism by promoting the most efficient value of Dambovita objectives: Royal House, Chindia Tower, Zimbraria, mountain attractions of the county. In this preliminary discussions were held between representatives of the Mayor and City Council representatives attended the meeting and for the creation of an association ANAT Development and Promotion of Tourism in Dambovita, as a public-private partnership modeled on other traditional destinations as Kerala, Seaside, Brasov, Sibiu, Bukovina, able to bring a substantial and lasting contribution to tourism growth in the area.Security as tourists leave in the current economic situation by strengthening the responsibility of educating tour operators and tourists in the sense of carefully selected tourism products, reliability and experience first by accredited agencies and then by the low price, which can sometimes hide the questionable quality services.

To buy packages of sites that do not belong to licensed agents, and have not completed the mandatory insurance coverage for insolvency and bankruptcy, is extremely risky and even illegal.Early Registration Campaign – mark ANAT – is underway. Until March 31 significant reductions offered to tourists through this program, especially for travel packages in Romania, making agencies with tourists feel ‘fever’ future summer vacations.Tourism Fair of Romania – March 15 to 18, 2012 – the most important event in the field. After several years, NATA is the location Romexpo, spring fairs bringing together into one, so that tourists will benefit the 4 days exhibition which offers better all Romanian tourist industry concentrated in a single event.NATA-South is the most active region of the NATA, bringing together 50 agencies currently in seven counties: Dambovita, Prahova, Arges, Giurgiu, Teleorman, Calarasi, Ialomita.

For further details: Adrian Voican
NATA President South
regiunea.sud @

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