DANUBE DELTA 2012 – International fair for urban development of macro-region Danube

  • ROMEXPO banner 170 x 60 px - Dunarea si Delta

International fair for urban development of macro-region Danube

Between 28 to 30 June 2012, ROMEXPO, under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and in collaboration with Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Romania, organized the 2nd International Trade Fair & Danube Delta.

The event will bring together companies, local and regional institutions involved in implementation, coordination and applicability of regional cooperation programs in all priority areas identified in the Danube Strategy: transport, energy, tourism, environmental protection, rural development, information and communication technologies, culture, education and research, and community representatives of business and governmental environment.

Thursday, June 28
Debate agenda

Pavilion C1 – Center Exhibitions Centre

09.00 – 15.00 DEBATE MAE

09.30 – 10.00 Registration and welcome coffee
10.00 – 12.00
10.00 – 10.10 Opening Session.
Moderator: Lucian Fatu, National Coordinator of SUERD, MFA

10.10 – 11.30 Presentations of projects
• Sustainable urban development and integrated cities in the Danube region. Challenges for European programming fiscal year 2014-2020;
• transport infrastructure projects;
• Developing trade and logistics corridors for Romania still competitive – Urban Development Projects in Bucharest and its territory of influence;
• Role of private sectorulu;
• Calafat, future urban development pole – potential for investment and development;
• spatial development approach for the Lower Danube, Braila-Galati urban system;
• Ports Romanian – Austrian ports;
• Smart Village – a solution for Romania border region development – Bulgaria;
• Perspectives of social and cultural renewal through implementation SUERD. Case study: the Severin – Iron Gates – Orsova.

• Lianu Costin, Director Dept. of Export, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business
• George Patrascu, Chief Architect, Bucharest City Hall
• Ionel Dumitrescu, President, GLP Calafat
• Monica Patrichi, Head of Service, the Technical Secretariat for SUERD, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
• Eric Bartha, Secretary General, Council of Danube Cities and Regions
• Port representative Vienna (A) – Dipl. Rojko Peter Eng, Director of „Development Projects”
• Sorin Dimitriu, President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest
• Ionel Dumitrescu, President, GLP Calafat
• Andreea Popa, University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu
• Dragos Seuleanu, President, Foundation for Democracy, Culture and Freedom
• Sever Avram, President, Eurolink-House of Europe

11.30 – 12.00 Debate
Closing Session

12.00 – 13.00 Coffee break

13.00 – 15.00
SESSION 2: Sustainable development of settlements in the Danube Delta

13.00 – 14.20 Presentations of projects and actions:
• Protecting and enhancing heritage in rural Delta (assessment of the implementation of GD. 1516/2008 on approval of the planning framework for the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve);
• The need for strategies to develop the trainees of tourism;
• Sustainable development of cities in the Delta region;
• urban regeneration of the town of Sulina;
• Danube, Rhine or the Central and Eastern Europe Green Corridor;
• Green Infrastructua Delta.

• Ginavar Anca, Director General, Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism
• Baboianu Gregory, Executive Director, Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere
• Adrian Dimache, Secretary General, Italian Chamber of Commerce for Romania
• Dragos Anastasiu, Board of Directors, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Romano-German
• Corina Martin, president, National Association of Travel Agencies from Romania
• Alan Mihaiu, President, Association „Save and Danube Delta”
• Ivan Patzaichin, President, Association „Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23”
• Taralunga Nicholas, Director, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Romania
With the participation of the Association of Municipalities of Romania

14.20 – 15.00 Debate
Conclusions, closing session

15.00 – 18.00 Special Edition Exhibition Project „European money SCHOOL”
15.00 – 15.30 Arrival and registration of participants.
15.30 – 17.30 Special Edition Deployment and European Money School Projects Exhibition under the title:
„Lobby institutional strategic projects proposed in favor of the Danube-Black Sea”
• Role and opportunities offered by Action Group „Integrated Development: Danube-Black Sea” as a project integrator for the implementation SUERD. Present: Sever Avram, Executive President, EUROLINK-House of Europe
• Project Proposal Framework „INNOVATIVE SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN HUB” connections, implications and prospects for development, with emphasis on the Mehedinti and Banat. Rapporteur: Cristian BANICA Arch Regional Innovation Network of the Danube-Black Sea
• Presentation of awareness-awareness „EUROPOLIS” in favor of integration of cultural and historical heritage and strengthening a common identity Danube. Rapporteur: Prof. Horia Barn, Personal Adviser to the Minister of Culture and Heritage
• Transfer of best practices: an area of confluence of the Danube-Black Sea-Delta (airworthiness, tourism, environmental risks).

Speakers (indicative list):
• BENABDALLAH Jamil, Director for Central and Eastern Artel Group – Detention (Paris);
• Petra SZAVICS, Expert, former adviser to the EU Presidency on issues of regional development / environment;
• Calin MUSTAREATA, Magna Development

17.30 – 18.00 Questions and Answers Session

NB: All debates mentioned in the program will be broadcast live on the sites:

For more information please contact:
Andreea Bordeanu – PR Specialist
Tel: 021 207.70.00 Int. 1113
Mobile: 0757.065.654
E-mail: @ andreea.bordeanu romexpo.ro

Note to editors: Romexpo is a private company, with majority shareholder Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Society is a member of the World Association of Fairs and Exhibition Industry (UFI), the Central European Fair Alliance (CEFA), the International Auditing Association Exhibition Statistics (CENTREX) and Association of Fairs and Exhibitions Organizers in Romania (ASOEXPO).


Targ international pentru dezvoltare urbana a macro-regiunii Dunarea

In perioada 28 – 30 iunie 2012,  ROMEXPO, sub Patronajul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe din Romania si in colaborare cu Camerele de Comert si Industrie din Romania, organizeaza cea de-a a 2-a editie a Targului International Dunarea & Delta.

Evenimentul va reuni companii, institutii publice locale si regionale implicate in implementarea, coordonarea si aplicabilitatea programelor de cooperare regionala in toate domeniile prioritare indentificate in Strategia Dunarii: transport, energie, turism, protectia mediului, dezvoltare rurala, tehnologii informationale si de comunicatii, cultura, educatie si cercetare, dar si reprezentanti ai comunitatii de afaceri si ai mediului neguvernamental.

Joi, 28 iunie
Agenda dezbaterilor

Pavilion C1 – Centrul Expozitional ROMEXPO
09.00 – 15.00 DEZBATERE MAE
09.30 – 10.00  Inregistrarea participantilor si welcome coffee
10.00 – 10.10 Deschiderea sesiunii.
Moderator: Lucian Fatu, Coordonator National al SUERD, MAE
10.10 – 11.30 Prezentari de proiecte
•    Dezvoltarea urbana durabila si integrata a oraselor din regiunea Dunarii. Provocari pentru programarea exercitiului financiar european 2014-2020;
•    Proiecte de infrastructura de transport;
•    Dezvoltarea comertului si a coridoarelor logistice pentru o Romanie mai competitiva; – Proiecte de Dezvoltare Urbana in Bucuresti si teritoriul sau de influenta;
•    Rolul sectorulu privat;
•    Calafat, viitor pol de dezvoltare urbana – potential pentru investitii si de dezvoltare;
•    Abordarea dezvoltarii spatiale pentru Dunarea de Jos, sistemul urban Braila-Galati;
•    Porturi romanesti – porturi austriece;
•    Satul inteligent – o solutie pentru dezvoltarea regiunii transfrontaliere Romania – Bulgaria;
•    Perspective de renovare sociala si culturala prin implementarea SUERD. Studiu de caz: zona Drobeta Turnu Severin – Portile de Fier – Orsova.

•    Costin Lianu, Director Dep. Export, Ministerul Economiei, Comertului si Mediului de Afaceri
•    Gheorghe Patrascu, Arhitect Sef, Primaria Municipiului Bucuresti
•    Ionel Dumitrescu, Presedinte, GLP Calafat
•    Monica Patrichi, Sef Serviciu, Secretariatul tehnic pentru SUERD, Ministerul Transporturilor si Infrastructurii
•    Eric Bartha, Secretar General, Consiliul Oraselor si Regiunilor Dunarii
•    Reprezentantul Portului Viena (A) – Dipl. Ing. Peter Rojko, Director Directia „Dezvoltare Proiecte”
•    Sorin Dimitriu, Presedinte, Camera de Comert si Industrie Bucuresti
•    Ionel Dumitrescu, Presedinte, GLP Calafat
•    Andreea Popa, Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism Ion Mincu
•    Dragos Seuleanu, Presedinte, Fundatia pentru Democratie, Cultura si Libertate
•    Sever Avram, Presedinte, Eurolink-Casa Europei

11.30 – 12.00  Dezbateri
Inchidere sesiune

12.00 – 13.00 Coffee break

13.00 – 15.00

13.00 – 14.20 Prezentari de proiecte si actiuni:
•    Protejarea si valorizarea patrimoniului in localitatile Deltei Dunarii ( bilant al implementarii HG nr. 1516/2008 privind aprobarea Regulamentului-cadru de urbanism pentru Rezervatia Biosferei Delta Dunarii);
•    Necesitatea unei strategii de devoltare a turismului;
•    Dezvoltarea durabila a oraşelor din Regiunea Deltei;
•    Regenerarea urbana a orasului Sulina;
•    Dunarea, Rinul Europei Centrale si de Est sau Coridorul Verde al Europei;
•    Infrastructua verde a Deltei Dunarii.

•    Anca Ginavar, Director General, Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Turismului
•    Grigore Baboianu, Director Executiv, Administratia Biosferei Delta Dunarii
•    Adrian Dimache, Secretar General, Camera de Comert si Industrie italiana pentru Romania
•    Dragos Anastasiu, Consiliul Director, Camera de Comert si Industrie Romano-Germana
•    Corina Martin, Presedinte, Asociatia Nationala a Agentiilor de Turism din Romania
•    Liviu Mihaiu, Presedinte, Asociatia “Salvati Dunarea si Delta”
•    Ivan Patzaichin, Presedinte, Asociatia “Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23”
•    Nicolae Taralunga, Director, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies Romania
Cu participarea reprezentantilor Asociatiei Municipiilor din Romania

14.20 – 15.00 Dezbateri
Concluzii, inchidere sesiune

15.00 – 18.00 Editia Speciala a Expozitiei de Proiecte „SCOALA BANILOR EUROPENI”
15.00  –  15.30 Sosirea si inregistrarea participantilor.
15.30 – 17.30 Desfasurarea Editiei Speciale si a Expozitiei de Proiecte SCOALA BANILOR EUROPENI, sub genericul:
„Lobby institutional in favoarea proiectelor strategice propuse de Grupul de Actiune Dunare-Marea Neagra”
•    Rolul si oportunitatile oferite de Grupul de Actiune „Dezvoltare integrata: Dunare-Marea Neagra” ca integrator de proiecte pentru implementarea SUERD. Prezinta: Sever AVRAM, Presedinte Executiv, EUROLINK-Casa Europei
•    Propunerea proiectului-cadru „HUB INOVATIV SUD-EST EUROPEAN”: conexiuni, implicatii si perspective de dezvoltare, cu accent pe zona Mehedinti si Banat. Raportor: Arh. Cristian BANICA din partea Retelei Regionale pentru Inovare Dunare-Marea Neagra
•    Prezentarea proiectului de sensibilizare-constientizare „EUROPOLIS” in favoarea integrarii patrimoniului cultural-istoric si consolidarii unei identitati comune danubiene. Raportor: Prof. Horia BARNA, Consilier Personal al Ministrului Culturii si Patrimoniului
•    Transfer de bune practici: proiecte in zona de confluenta Dunare-Delta-Marea Neagra (navigabilitate, turism, riscuri de mediu).

Speakeri (lista previzionala):
•    Jamil BENABDALLAH, Directorul pentru Europa Centrala si de Est al Grupului ARTELIA – Detente (Paris);
•    Petra SZAVICS, Expert, fost consilier al Presedintiei Uniunii Europene pe probleme de dezvoltare regionala/mediu;
•    Calin MUSTAREATA, Magna Development

17.30 – 18.00 Sesiune de intrebari si raspunsuri

Nota bene: Toate dezbaterile mentionate in program vor fi transmise live pe site-urile:

Pentru mai multe informatii va rugam contactati:
Andreea Bordeanu – Specialist PR
Tel: 021 207.70.00 Int. 1113
Mobil: 0757.065.654
E-mail: andreea.bordeanu@romexpo.ro

Nota pentru editori: Romexpo este o societate cu capital privat, avand ca actionar majoritar Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei. Societatea este membra a Asociatiei Mondiale a Industriei Targurilor si Expozitiilor (UFI), a Aliantei Targurilor din Europa Centrala (CEFA), a Asociatiei Internationale de Auditare a Statisticilor Expozitiilor (CENTREX) si a Asociatiei Organizatorilor de Targuri si Expozitii din Romania (ASOEXPO).



Cine suntem si ce facem? Suntem un portal de turism ce prezinta piata turistica din Romania. Facem promovare online pentru orice companie din turism. Lansat in 18 iunie 2002, ajunge intr-un an in primile 5 portaluri de turism din Romania. Reusim sa ne pastram in top 15 de 22 ani de zile. Avem o medie de 2.500 de vizitatori unici/zi (aprilie - august ajunge chiar la 4.000 de vizitatori unici/zi). Din martie 2011 avem si acest blog care a depasit deja 2.600 de articole scrise.

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