FOTO Hotel Sol Nessebar Palace 5* Bulgaria
In perioada 2-9 iunie 2012 am avut ocazia sa ajungem la Nessebar pentru prima oara. Am primit o vacanta de o saptamana la hotel Sol Nessebar Palace 5* oferita de agentia de turism TRAVEL PLANNER.
POZE si impresii | GALERIE VIDEO hotel Sol Nessebar Palace 5*
Bile albe:
- Camera e foarte mare, spatioasa si curata. Baia are si cada si dus. Minibar este contra cost. Vederea catre piscina si mare este absolut superba. Nu este un hotel de 5* comparabil cu 5* All Inclusive in Turcia, dar la nivel de Bulgaria este excelent.
- Piscina exterioara, parcul pentru copii si spectacolul pentru copii seara sunt de nota 10!
- Berea si inghetata la piscina
- Acces usor la plaja
- Am gasit si un receptioner vorbitor de limba romana
- Mancarea este buna in special omleta de dimineatza, ciorbele si orezul cu cartofi prajiti. Nici pizza nu e rea. 🙂
Bile gri:
- Piscina interioara are apa un pic cam rece, internetul este foarte slab, sala de fitness putine aparate.
- Nu se dau prosoape de plaja
- Sezlonguri si umbrele contra cost pe plaja
10 leva/ zi pentru parcare masina
10 leva/ pers/ sens croaziera pe mare de la hotel la Old Nessebar
1 leva/ pers cu autobuzul local de transport in comun. Ajungeti usor atat in Nessebar oras, Old Nessebar care este o insula cu cladiri vechi si statiunea Suny Beach.
20 leva garantie/ prosop daca doriti prosop de plaja 🙂
10 leva taxi de la hotel pana in Old Nessebar
Concluzii: este un hotel recomandat in special pentru familii cu copii(parcul este extraordinar, piscina de copii, spectacole, inghetata). Va recomandam din suflet acest hotel. Gasiti oferte aici.
Between 2 to 9 June 2012 I had the opportunity to get to Nessebar for the first time. I received a one week holiday at Sol Nessebar Palace 5 * offered by the travel agency TRAVEL PLANNER.
Pictures and impressions | VIDEO GALLERY Sol Nessebar Palace 5 *
White balls:
- The room is very large, spacious and clean. The bathroom has tub and shower. Minibar is a fee. To the pool and the sea is absolutely gorgeous. There is a luxurious 5 * 5 * All Inclusive comparable in Turkey, but Bulgaria is excellent at.
- Outdoor pool, children’s park and children’s evening show are perfect 10!
Beer and ice cream at the pool
Easy access to beach
We found a Romanian-speaking receptionist
The food is good especially morning omelet, soups and rice and fries. No pizza is not bad. 🙂
Gray balls:
- Indoor pool is a little cold water, the Internet is very weak, few fitness equipment.
No beach towels are give.
Sunbeds and beach umbrellas is not free
10 BGN / day for car parking
10 BGN / person / cruise on the high end hotel at Old Nessebar
1 BGN / person with local bus transportation. Easily reach both city Nessebar, Old Nessebar which is an island of old buildings Suny Beach resort.
20 leva warranty / towel beach towel if you want 🙂
Conclusions: The hotel is especially recommended for families with children (the park is great, the pool of children, shows, ice cream). We highly recommend this hotel. Find offers here.