Romanian Adventure launched the first online store for adventure tourism

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Romanian Adventure launched the first online store for adventure tourism

Romanian Adventure is with adventure tourism enthusiasts and those who prefer holidays ACVT, launching the first online store such tourism products.
Adventure Store is the most accessible way to live a real adventure, the memories remain and extraordinary experiences, regardless of program or selected location.

Anyone can participate in these adventures, regardless of experience or physical fitness sports, being able to find the place, even in one of the offers available.
The reservation system like „early booking” and price policy, those interested can receive favorable offers.

The products currently in the promotion:
Rafting on the Buzau
Thrill in getting the Buzau river in boats with a capacity of 6 persons Special on route 1 to 2 hours at only 170 km from Bucharest.

This great sport will change forever the idea out in nature, living a unique experience on the waves of the river, with Romanian team Adventure. Our team of instructors has over 7 years experience in rafting the sport and leisure, with hundreds of descents to his credit, invited in 2007 to represent Romania at the World Rafting Championship, Romanian Adventure is the only center in the country, recognized by the federation International (IRF).

Survival techniques

Test your strength and skills over three days, survival in a program organized in astounding areas, an extraordinary adventure in the wild, put into practice in the Romanian Carpathians bend Adventure.

” Survivors” will go through many attempts to get back to civilization, after they have taken cars off road deep in the woods, to where the roads come to an end.

Discovery Scuba

Have you ever wondered what would have to be part of a team of divers explorers? Now you have the chance that during a dive, to explore large reserve of horses from Vama Veche or field of ancient ceramics from May 2.

Ensure all equipment for diving and photo / video equipment underwater to get the chance to make your own material in this extraordinary adventure.

Romanian Adventure a lansat primul magazin online de turism de aventura

Romanian Adventure este alaturi de pasionatii turismului de aventura si de cei care prefera vacantele acvtive, lansand primul magazin online de astfel de produse turistice.
Magazinul de aventura este cea mai accesibila cale de a trai o adevarata aventura, de a ramane cu amintiri si experiente extraordinare, indiferent de program sau locul ales.

Oricine poate participa la aceste aventuri, indiferent de experienta sportiva sau aptitudinile fizice, avand posibilitatea sa-si gaseasca locul, macar in una din ofertele disponibile.
Prin sistemul de rezervari gen “early booking” si politica de preturi, cei interesati pot beneficia de oferte avantajoase.

Produsele aflate in acest moment la promotie:

Rafting pe Buzau

Senzatii tari la coborarea pe raul Buzau, în bărci speciale cu capacitatea de 6 persoane, pe traseu de 1- 2 ore, la doar 170 de km distanta de Bucuresti.

Acest sport extraordinar iti va schimba pentru totdeauna ideea de iesire in natura, traind o experienta unica pe valurile raului, alaturi de echipa Romanian Adventure. Echipa noastra de instructori are o experienta de peste 7 ani in rafting-ul sportiv si de agrement, avand la activ sute de coborari, invitata in 2007 sa reprezinte Romania la Campionatul Mondial de Rafting, Romanian Adventure fiind singurul centru din tara, recunoscut de federatia internationala (IRF).

Tehnici de supravietuire

Testeaza-ti rezistenta si abilitatile pe parcursul a 3 zile, intr-un program de supravietuire organizat in zone uluitoare, o extraordinara aventura in salbaticie, pusa in practica de Romanian Adventure in Carpatii de Curbura.

‘’Supravietuitorii’’ vor trece prin multe incercari pentru a putea ajunge din nou la civilizatie, dupa ce vor fi dusi cu masinile de off road adanc in padure, pana acolo unde drumurile se sfarsesc.

Discovery Scuba

Te-ai intrebat vreodata cum ar fi sa faci parte dintr-o echipa de scafandri exploratori? Acum ai sansa ca pe parcursul a unei scufundari, sa explorezi rezervatia de caluti de mare de la Vama Veche sau campul de ceramica antica din 2 Mai.

Se asigură intregul echipament de scufundari si echipament foto / video subacvatic, pentru a avea șansa să-ți faci propriul material din această extraordinară aventură.


Cine suntem si ce facem? Suntem un portal de turism ce prezinta piata turistica din Romania. Facem promovare online pentru orice companie din turism. Lansat in 18 iunie 2002, ajunge intr-un an in primile 5 portaluri de turism din Romania. Reusim sa ne pastram in top 15 de 22 ani de zile. Avem o medie de 2.500 de vizitatori unici/zi (aprilie - august ajunge chiar la 4.000 de vizitatori unici/zi). Din martie 2011 avem si acest blog care a depasit deja 2.600 de articole scrise.

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