DANUBE DELTA 2012 & final


A complex event dedicated to urban development of macro-region Danube

Between 28 to 30 June 2012, ROMEXPO, under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and in collaboration with Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Romania, organized the 2nd International Trade Fair & Danube Delta.

Held under the slogan „Smart Cities, Smart Regions”, the event was held as an exhibition-conference attended by a number of specialists from the central and local administration, representatives of business community, civil society and academia, and representatives of diplomatic missions of the Danubian States.

The event highlighted the considerable potential of projects and initiatives aimed at contributing to sustainable development and comprehensive in Danube Delta regions by promoting innovation and competitiveness, sustainable economic growth, responsible tourism, culture and education.

Among the priority issues on the agenda of the event have included:

• Strengthening the network of cities in the Danube region.
• Sustainable development of settlements in the Danube Delta.
• Urban areas – key economic and social development.
• Special edition of the exhibition project „European Money School”.
• Opportunities for sustainable development related areas and Danube Delta.
• European legislation and legislation, the absorption of funds, opportunities for fishing associations.
• Tourism responsible for developing the Danube region.

Of organizations and institutions involved in this project mention: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Technical Secretariat for SUERD, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment, City Bucharest, GLP Calafat, University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu Danube Cities and Regions Council, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest, Romania Bilateral Chamber of Commerce, Austria, Eurolink-House of Europe.

Friday, June 29, ROMEXPO celebrated „International Day of the Danube”.

The official ceremony has been held in the presence of:

• Ovidiu Ioan Silaghi Lord, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure.
• Mr. Mircea Geoana, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Senate.

• Mrs. Luminita Odobescu, State Secretary for European Affairs of the Foreign Ministry.
• Lord Michael Schwarzinger, Austrian Ambassador to Bucharest.
• Ivan Patzaichin Lord, President of Association „Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23”
• Mrs. Mariana Suciu, Director General, ROMEXPO SA

The event took part and special guests, members of the diplomatic corps in Bucharest, institutional partners, business, civil society representatives and journalists.

One original moments contained in the agenda of the event was the launch of the „Danube Connection. Story & Glory „by association” Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23 „and the Romanian Cultural Institute. The primary mission of this project is to promote cultural, ecological tourism and multiculturalism offered by countries bordering the Danube.

On this occasion, was presented with canotci caravan that will pass in all 4 Danube countries and all guests will sign the three boats, named after the three branches of the Danube: Chilia, Sulina, St. George. Boats will get signatures from all participants from neighboring countries, becoming a symbol of cooperation canotcile Danube.

The event continued with the conference sessions aimed at facilitating the exchange of ideas and interaction between organizations involved in efforts to protect the Danube floodplain.

Meanwhile, throughout the period of the Danube & Delta Fair, could be seen the photo exhibition „Romania picturesque”, presented by Artists Photographers Association in Romania.

ROMEXPO this way thanks to all partners who have contributed to the success of this edition, and journalists who covered this event in the media.

For further details on Fair & DANUBE DELTA 2012, please visit: www.delta-expo.ro

Note to editors: ROMEXPO is a private company, with majority shareholder Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Society is a member of the World Association of Fairs and Exhibition Industry (UFI), the Central European Fair Alliance (CEFA), the International Auditing Association Exhibition Statistics (CENTREX) and Association of Fairs and Exhibitions Organizers in Romania (ASOEXPO).


Un eveniment complex, dedicat dezvoltarii urbane a macro-regiunii Dunarea

In perioada 28 – 30 iunie 2012, ROMEXPO, sub Patronajul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe din Romania si in colaborare cu Camerele de Comert si Industrie din Romania, a organizat cea de-a a 2-a editie a Targului International Dunarea & Delta.

Desfasurat sub sloganul “Smart Cities, Smart Regions”, evenimentul s-a derulat sub forma unei expo-conferinte la care au participat o serie de specialisti din cadrul administratiei centrale si locale, reprezentanti ai comunitatii oamenilor de afaceri, ai societatii civile si ai cercurilor academice, precum si reprezentanti ai misiunilor diplomatice din statele dunarene.

Evenimentul a evidentiat un potential considerabil de proiecte si initiative menite sa contribuie la dezvoltarea durabila si cuprinzatoare in regiunile Dunarii si Deltei prin promovarea inovatiei si competitivitatii, cresterii economice sustenabile, turismului responsabil, culturii si educatiei.

Printre temele prioritare aflate pe agenda evenimentului s-au numarat:

•    Consolidarea retelei de orase din regiunea Dunarii.
•    Dezvoltarea durabila a localitatilor din Delta Dunarii.
•    Zonele urbane – cheia dezvoltarii economice si sociale.
•    Editia speciala a expozitiei de proiecte „Scoala Banilor Europeni”.
•    Oportunitati de dezvoltare durabila pentru zonele aferente Deltei si Dunarii.
•    Legislatia europeana si legislatia in domeniu, absorbtia fondurilor, oportunitatile asociatiilor pentru pescuit.
•    Turism responsabil pentru dezvoltarea regiunii Dunarii.

Dintre organizatiile si institutiile implicate in acest proiect mentionam: Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, Ministerul Agriculturii si Dezvoltarii Rurale, Ministerului Dezvoltarii Regionale si Turismului, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Secretariatul tehnic pentru SUERD, Ministerul Transporturilor si Infrastructurii, Ministerul Economiei, Comertului si Mediului de Afaceri, Primaria Municipiului Bucuresti, GLP Calafat, Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism Ion Mincu, Consiliul Oraselor si Regiunilor Dunarii, Camera de Comert si Industrie Bucuresti,  Camera de Comert Bilaterala Romania-Austria, Eurolink-Casa Europei.

Vineri, 29 iunie, ROMEXPO a celebrat „ZIUA INTERNATIONALA A DUNARII”.

Ceremonia oficiala s-a desfasurat in prezenta:

•    Domnului Ovidiu Ioan Silaghi,  Ministrul Transporturilor si Infrastructurii.
•    Domnului Mircea Geoana, Presedintele Comisiei de Politica Externa, Senatul Romaniei.

•    Doamnei Luminita Odobescu, Secretar de Stat pentru Afaceri Europene din cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe.
•    Domnului Michael Schwarzinger, Ambasadorul Austriei la Bucuresti.
•    Domnului Ivan Patzaichin, Presedinte al Asociatiei „Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23”
•    Doamnei Mariana Suciu, Director General, ROMEXPO S.A.

La eveniment au luat parte si invitati speciali, membri ai corpului diplomatic de la Bucuresti, parteneri institutionali, oameni de afaceri, reprezentanti ai societatii civile si jurnalisti.

Unul dintre momentele inedite cuprinse in agenda evenimentului a fost lansarea proiectului “Danube Connection. Story & Glory” de catre Asociatia “Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23” si Institutul Cultural Roman. Misiunea principala a acestui proiect este promovarea activitatilor recreative, a turismului ecologic si al multiculturalitatii oferite de tarile riverane Dunarii.

Cu aceasta ocazie, a avut loc prezentarea caravanei cu canotci, ce va trece in toate cele 4 tari dunarene si toti invitatii vor semna pe cele 3 ambarcatiuni, ce poarta numele celor trei brate ale Dunarii: Chilia, Sulina, Sf. Gheorghe. Barcile vor primi semnaturi de la toti participantii din tarile riverane, canotcile devenind un simbol al cooperarii dunarene.

Programul evenimentului a continuat cu sesiuni de conferinte avand ca scop facilitarea schimbului de idei si interactiunii dintre organismele implicate in demersurile de protejare a Luncii Dunarii.

In acelasi timp, pe toata perioada de desfasurare a targului Dunarea&Delta, a putut fi admirata expozitia de fotografie „Romania Pitoreasca”, prezentata de catre Asociatia Artistilor Fotografi din Romania.

ROMEXPO multumeste pe aceasta cale tuturor partenerilor care au contribuit la realizarea acestei editii de succes, precum si jurnalistilor ce au reflectat acest eveniment in mass-media.

Pentru detalii suplimentare privind Targul DUNAREA & DELTA 2012, va invitam accesati:  www.delta-expo.ro

Nota pentru editori: ROMEXPO este o societate cu capital privat, avand ca actionar majoritar Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei. Societatea este membra a Asociatiei Mondiale a Industriei Targurilor si Expozitiilor (UFI), a Aliantei Targurilor din Europa Centrala (CEFA), a Asociatiei Internationale de Auditare a Statisticilor Expozitiilor (CENTREX) si a Asociatiei Organizatorilor de Targuri si Expozitii din Romania (ASOEXPO).



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