Where to find the cheap accommodation?

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The question automatically arises when we seek to reserve a hotel or hostel accommodation is legitimate and has many answers. With so many reservation systems, travel agencies, hotels, hotel chains, integrative and comparative, the client is far from certain that ever have found the best solution for desired accommodation.
But everything starts from the type of accommodation desired. And it must somehow placed in a grid of criteria among which are time, location, type or kind of settlement services desired. According to these criteria were developed and systems / solutions that covers this service.
What accommodation is actually a service that the hotel / guesthouse / other accommodation type entity, they can sell rooms directly (because quite a few situations offer impressive worldwide) or systems or intermediaries. The hotelier must determine if they want money before or after delivery and usually connects this aspect of the applied tariff rate. A prepaid accommodation is in most cases much cheaper than a post-paid. All hotelier who decides if he wants to sell wholesale or retail. Hoteliers are selling wholesale partner of the tour operators who sign contracts on large amounts of nights (one of the units of measurement in this area), and those who sell retail partners are usually FIT type systems ( for Individual Travelers) where hotel staff is usually paid by the customer at the end of your stay directly at the reception. Each of these systems is, of course, advantages and disadvantages.
The tourism in tourist areas such vacation / holiday by plane / charter tour operators are contracted long before incepererea season. We’re talking the type of accommodation in seaside resorts, ski, spa, etc.. This hotel / hostel can be found in catalogs Tour operator. It is clear that the price offered by such accommodation a tour operator, which comes with warranty and even pay in advance for most rooms (if not all) and for many nights, is well below that offered or displayed at reception customers who buy direct a camera, two for one package. Discounts are often over 50% and because it provides predictability, filling and lack of stress in promoting direct. Usually prices for these types of accommodation are pause, meaning there price for 7 nights stay per night without prices or shorter stays (typical example is the Croatian coastal area hotels).
The tourism in the cities or high-traffic areas where visitors spend fewer nights (be it city breaks, cultural tours or travel on the job) can be easily managed by tour operators who have no predictability in applications and no flights or transport for filling them. Such hotels go over the idea FIT reservation system, where rooms are sold by piece, the price per night. FIT systems are also in turn the coin (the systems used by travel agencies, where the staff will issue the invoice and all travel documents, the agency paying tourist services and presenting to the only hotel voucher service) or post- payment (tourist / agent making the booking and only guaranteed with a credit / debit or cancel will consume time and will make the customer pay directly at the reception at the end of stay). Both systems FIT hotels benefit from a similar level of prices, but the difference is on how the customer wants or to allocate the money, then deduct that expense.
In conclusion, when you’re looking for a cheap and good, find and cultivate a trusting relationship with a travel agent. He knows better how to look in all the above sources. And if not found, it means you have not yet found any good agent.
Unde gasim cea mai ieftina cazare?

Intrebarea care apare automat in momentul in care cautam sa ne rezervam o cazare la un hotel sau pensiune este legitima si are destul de multe raspunsuri. Cu atat de multe sisteme de rezervari, agentii, hoteluri, lanturi de hoteluri, integratoare si comparatoare, clientul e departe de a avea vreodata certitudinea ca a gasit cea mai buna solutie pentru cazarea dorita.
Totul porneste insa de la tipul de cazare dorit. Iar aceasta trebuie oarecum amplasata intr-o grila de criterii intre care se afla durata, locatia, tipul serviciilor sau genul de decontare dorit. In functie de aceste criterii s-au dezvoltat si sistemele/solutiile care acopera acest serviciu.
Cum cazarea este de fapt un serviciu oferit de hotel/pensiune/alte entitate de tip cazare, acestia au posibilitatea de a-si vinde camerele direct (situatii destul de putine datorita ofertei impresionante la nivel mondial) sau prin sisteme ori intermediari. De asemenea hotelierul trebuie sa stabileasca daca doreste banii inainte sau dupa prestarea serviciilor si in general leaga acest aspect de nivelul tarifului aplicat. O cazare preplatita este in majoritatea cazurilor mult mai ieftina decat una post-platita. Tot hotelierul este cel care decide daca doreste sa vanda en-gros sau en-detail. Hotelierii care vand en-gros sunt partenerii de baza ai turoperatorilor, care incheie contracte pe cantitati mari de nopti de cazare (una din unitatile de masura in acest domeniu), iar cei care vand en-detail sunt de obicei partenerii sistemelor de tip FIT (for individual travelers) unde rezervarea este de obicei platita personal de client la finalul sejurului direct la receptie. Fiecare dintre aceste sisteme are, bineinteles, avantajele si dezavantajele sale.
Unitatile de cazare din zonele turistice de tip sejur/vacanta cu avionul/chartere sunt contractate de turoperatori cu mult timp inainte de incepererea sezonului. Vorbim aici de cazare in statiuni de tip litoral, ski, spa, etc. Aceste hoteluri/pensiuni le regasim in cataloagele turoperatorilor. Este clar ca pretul oferit de o astfel de unitate de cazare unui turoperator, care vine cu garantie si chiar plateste in avans pentru foarte multe camere (daca nu chiar toate) si pentru multe nopti, este cu mult sub cel afisat la receptie sau cel oferit clientilor care cumpara direct o camera, doua pentru un singur sejur. Reducerile sunt de multe ori si de peste 50% pentru ca ofera predictibilitate, umplere si lipsa stresului in promovarea directa. De obicei preturile pentru aceste tipuri de cazari sunt pausale, adica exista pret pentru sejur de 7 nopti fara preturi pe noapte sau sejururi mai scurte (exemplul tipic il reprezinta hotelurile din zona de litoral croat).
Unitatile de cazare din orase sau zone cu trafic ridicat, unde turistii petrec putine nopti de cazare (fie ca vorbim de city-break, tururi culturale sau deplasari in interes de servici) nu pot fi manageriate usor de turoperatori, care nu mai au predictibilitate in cereri si nici zboruri sau transporturi pentru umplerea lor. Astfel de hoteluri merg mai mult pe idea sistemelor de rezervare FIT, unde camerele se vand la bucata, cu pret pe noapte. Sistemele FIT sunt si ele la randul lor cu preplata (sistemele folosite de agentiile de turism, unde agentul va emite factura si toate documentele de calatorie, turistul achitand la agentie serviciile si prezentandu-se la hotel doar cu voucherul de servicii) sau cu post-plata (turistul/agentul face rezervarea si doar garanteaza cu un card de credit/debit ca o va consuma sau anula in timp util, iar plata o va face clientul direct la receptia hotelului la finalul sederii). Ambele modele de sisteme FIT beneficiaza din partea hotelurilor de un nivel similar al preturilor, diferenta fiind insa data de modul in care clientul doreste sau  poate sa-si aloce banii, respectiv deduce ulterior cheltuiala.
In concluzie, cand doriti sa cautati o cazare ieftina si buna, gasiti-va si cultivati o relatie de incredere  cu un agent de travel. El stie mai bine cum sa caute in toate sursele de mai sus. Si daca nu gaseste, inseamna ca inca nici Dumneavoastra nu ati gasit agentul bun.


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