Ikea va incepe construirea de hoteluri si camine studentesti
Gigantul suedez al mobilei Ikea intentioneaza sa isi extinda afacerile in domeniul hotelier, in cativa ani urmand a construi un lant de circa 100 de hoteluri cu tarife accesibile in diverse state europene, relateaza, marti, publicatia Der Spiegel.
„In cateva saptamani vom anunta locatia primului nostru hotel cu tarif redus in Germania si suntem in negocieri cu operatorii hotelieri pentru a implementa rapid acest concept”, a declarat Harald Müller, manager al Inter Ikea, subsidiara pentru proiecte imobiliare a retailerului de mobila.
Primul hotel ar urma sa fie inaugurat in 2013, iar in urmatorii ani se vor deschide alte cel putin 100 de astfel de hoteluri pe piata europeana. Numele lantului hotelier „nu va avea legatura cu Ikea”, a mai precizat Müller.
Complexurile studentesti concepute de Ikea vor avea 500-700 de camere cu o suprafata de 17,5 mp, dispuse in mai multe cladiri cu o zona centrala cu diverse facilitati, printre care si o sala de fitness sau un bar, noteaza Agerpres.
„In a few weeks we will announce our first hotel location at reduced rates in Germany are in talks with operators and hoteliers to quickly implement this concept,” said Harald Muller, manager of Inter Ikea, the real estate subsidiary of the furniture retailer.
The first hotel expected to open in 2013 and will open next year at least 100 other such hotels on the European market. Hotel chain name „Ikea will not now,” he said Müller.
Complexes designed by Ikea student will have 500-700 rooms with an area of 17.5 square meters, located in several buildings with a central area with various facilities including a gym or a bar, notes Agerpres.
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