Ziua Mondiala a Wellness-ului 2016


Programele de sanatate Danubius intr-o lume dedicata wellness-ului

Cu totii ne straduim sa fim sanatosi, sa aratam si sa ne simtim cat mai bine posibil. Acest demers a inspirat initiativa “Global Wellness Day” – “Ziua Internationala a Wellness-ului”, care a fost sarbatorita pentru prima data in 2012. Strabatand tari si invingand bariere culturale, aceasta zi este dedicata starii noastre de bine. Initiativa a inceput in Turcia, iar in acest an au aderat la sarbatoare 83 de tari, comunicand lumii un tot mai mare interes, cu titlu de angajament, fata de starea de bine la nivel mondial.

Sloganul sarbatorii din acest an este “O zi care va poate schimba viata” – asa va fi celebrata pe 11 iunie 2016 starea noastra de bine, atat fizica cat si mentala. Scopul acestui demers si misiunea acestei zile mondiale dedicata wellness-ului este de a spori constientizarea vizavi de beneficiile pe care oamenii le pot dobandi alegand sa traiasca mai sanatos, adresandu-si intrebarea: “Cum pot trai o viata mai sanatoasa si mai buna?”



Danubius Hotels, care este lider in randul lanturilor hoteliere specializate pe servicii spa in Europa Centrala, avand mai mult de 4 decenii de experienta in furnizarea de servicii de sanatate si wellness, este onorat sa participe la Ziua Mondiala a Wellness-ului si foloseste aceasta oportunitate pentru a propune, in toate hotelurile sale spa, programe armonizate de wellness, care vor fi oferite oaspetilor in data de 11 iunie 2016.

Danubius AquaTraining

In hotelurile de wellness ale lantului Danubius care sunt dedicate unui stil de viata sanatos, pacientii si oaspetii constienti de importanta unei vieti sanatoase sunt asteptati cu mai mult de 40 de tipuri de tratamente de sanatate si de terapii complexe. Procedurile de tratament se desfasoara sub supraveghere medicala, fiind completate in unele cazuri de sedinte de fizioterapie si de recomandari de dieta alimentara.

Turistii care vor vizita oricare dintre hotelurile Danubius din Ungaria, Republica Ceha (Marienbad), Slovacia (Piestany) sau Romania (Sovata), sunt invitati sa incerce una dintre ofertele cu tarif redus in cinstea acestei zile sau sa ia parte la unul dintre multele programe dedicate sanatatii. Astfel, vor face deja un prim pas pentru a-si imbunatati sanatatea si starea de bine.



Pe lista serviciilor dedicate acestei zile si oferite in mod gratuit sau cu reducere in hotelurile Danubius se numara: sedinte de yoga, pilates, terapii de mindfulness, aqua fitness, cardio fitness, body building, nordic walking, dar si terapii destinate relaxarii sau mentinerii vivacitatii corpului.

In mod particular, Danubius Health Spa Resort Sovata ofera oaspetilor cu ocazia Global Wellness Day o serie de proceduri de gimnastica (gimnastica de dimineata, aquagym, gimnastica cu minge, gimnastica cu banda elastic), o sesiune medicala de informatii actuale despre miscarea sanatoasa si nutritie, aqua-fitness. La acestea se adauga un discount de 10% pentru fiecare tratament wellness si cateva proceduri Babor care beneficiaza de un discount de 5%. 

Fie ca aceasta sa fie ziua care sa ne schimbe viata intr-una mai sanatoasa!

Programul detaliat al evenimentelor Global Wellness Day desfasurate in cadrul tuturor hotelurilor Danubius Health Spa Resort il puteti parcurge AICI.


Danubius programs in the World of Wellness

We all strive to be healthier, to look good and to feel good both from physical and mental aspects.

This joint desire, independent of cultural background and geographical location, motivated the Global Wellness Day to be organised for the first time in 2012, in other words a world day of wellness, the first day that has been dedicated to well being at international level. The initiative started out in Turkey and the fact that 83 countries join this year only indicates that it found positive reception world wide.

One day that can change your life” – with this motto we celebrate on 11 June the physical and mental well-being that is so precious to us all. The aim of this initiative, the mission of the World Day of Wellness is to raise awareness of healthier lifestyles, to ask ourselves the question: „How could I live a healthier and better life”?

Danubius Hotels is the leading hotel chain of Central-Europe, looking back onto more than 4 decades of experience, the health spa hotels of which are pleased to join the World Day of Wellness with internationally harmonised programs on 11 June 2016.
If you visit any of the hotels of Danubius Health Spa Resort in Hungary, Check Republic (Marienbad), Slovakia (Piestany) or Romania (Sovata) on this day and try one of the discounted services or take part in one of the health focused programs, you have already done something for your health or well being. And may be this will just be the day that changes your life!

Some of the wide range of programme choices as taster: Danubius Health Spa Resort Margitsziget in Budapest invites you to 6 sauna-séances a day, Nordic walking in the afternoon and swimming by candle light in the evening. In Danubius Health Spa Resort Helia visitors can join a brand new kind of excersise, the Sparrowbag training. Adult guests in Bük are offered yoga, Nordic walking and salt peeling in the steam bath, while the children will enjoy a crazy time in the children’s pool. Sárvár will offer a close insight to Oriental wellness and different healing techniques. Nove Lázne in Marienbad makes the program increasingly interesting among others by open air and indoor Pilates, yoga, swimming by candlelight and nutritious Comfort Zone cocktails as well as a special offer of Healthy Choice dishes. In Sovata in addition to aqua-gymnastic, soft ball and elastic band gymnastic classes, honey and salty sauna séances are on offer. In Hotel Esplanade in Piestany the elderly and those suffering from back pain will also get an exercise, but there are also fit ball, flexibar and balance exercises, which can be relieved by a great Shiatsu or anti-stress massage. On this day certain treatments can be used with discount in all hotels.

In the health wellness hotels of Danubius Hotels that are committed to a healthy way of life patients and health conscious guests are awaited by more than 40 types of health treatments and complex therapies. The cure procedures are supervised by physicians and these may be complemented with other physiotherapy treatments, dietary guidelines. Medical wellness offers different services to guests who are healthy and intend to preserve their health.

Keeping up good health and maintaining the balance of the body can equally be achieved by an optimal composition of nutrition. With the help of Danubius Healthy Choice, a selection of foods created in the spirit of healthy nutrition, the healing power of waters and mud, massages may be complemented by a meal worthy of a health-day. It is not only healthy nutrition that plays a vital role in the Healthy Choice concept made up of fresh, selected local raw materials, but also the taste: the choice offers typical, local, traditional, tasty food in line with the requirements of a healthy way of life, where fat content to be under 10% is a requirement as well as avoiding saturated fatty acids.

You can read the detailed program of the Global Wellness Day in the hotels of the Danubius Health Spa Resort HERE.


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