INFO TRIP ISTANBUL 11 martie -13 martie 2011
PERIOADA: 11 martie 2011-13 martie 2011
Stimati colaboratori,
Avem deosebita placere sa va invitam in INFO TRIP-UL organizat de agentia Alibaba Tour Holiday,cu ocazia inaugurarii hotelului nostru, CROWNE PLAZA HARBIYE 5*, Istanbul.
Acest info trip se adreseaza agentiilor de turism partenere(nu se impune numar de participanti / agentie).
Tarif 99 Euro/pax.
Servicii incluse:
-transport autocar
-cazare 2 nopti Crowne Plaza 5*, in regim Half Board
-turul orasului
Inscrierile se fac pana la data de 08 martie 2011.
Asteptam confirmarea dumneavoastra pe urmatoarele adrese de e-mail:;;;
Cu stima,
Echipa Alibaba Tour Holiday
43A, Lascar Catargiu Blvd.
Bucharest- Romania
Phone: 0040 21 316 57 57, 0040 21 316 57 52, 0040 21 316 57 53, 0040 21 316 57 54
Fax: 0040 21 316 57 56
Mobil: 0785 211 889
I have already been in Gallipoli actually and I enjoyed the staying in the old part of Troy for this time and visiting the historical monuments there. I took a private guide to visit gallipoli and troy I can say that these places are fantastic I visited these places by recommendation of my friend and even I am not so interested in Historical places I was very affected by these monuments. These places are must while visiting gallipoli. I thought that these places are best attractions to see in gallipoli. You can just spend 4 hours for that. Thank you so much…