Cluj-Napoca will compete for the title of European Youth Capital in 2015


Acting Mayor of ClujNapoca, Radu Moisin, announced Tuesday in a press conference that the city will apply for the title of European Youth Capital 2015.
Radu Moisin said Tuesday in a press conference that the documentation for the title of European Capital of Youth will be submitted to City Hall by May 1.
„Since Tuesday, Cluj-Napoca City Hall steps to start the title of European Youth Capital in 2015, awarded by the European Youth Forum and European Commission experts. Documentation will be submitted by 1 May in Brussels, and in autumn will announce the winner. strengths are Cluj city size and the fact that a high percentage of young people living here. Such a title will increase city reputation throughout Europe, to attract European funding to develop youth programs and youth involvement in community life . You will need a joint effort of the authorities, youth NGOs, student organizations, „said Moisin.
According to him the title of European Capital of Youth was first granted in 2009 Rotterdam, followed by Turin, Antwerp, Braga, Maribor and Thessaloniki in 2014.The project will be conducted by the City Cluj-Napoca in collaboration with an NGO that won European funded projects on local and regional development.
Andras Farkas, NGO representative, respectively, Pont said, in turn, the same press conference, the title will be „a good tool for promoting the image of Cluj-Napoca”.
„We are not starting from scratch, there are many programs for youth in Cluj-Napoca. Just a better centralization of projects. Title of European Capital of Youth is a tool for promoting the image of Cluj in Europe and offering young people opportunities to live the city. We have a portfolio of projects with volunteering, sports exchanges, concerts, which take place in 2015, a map of unconventional locations where these activities can be organized, such as railway station and International Airport Cluj- Napoca, „said Andras Farkas.


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