Turist strain in Bucuresti, caut Centru de Informare Turistica!


Numarul turistilor straini ce aleg sa vizite Romania este in crestere de la an la an, generand venituri importante si urgentand in acelasi timp adoptarea de masuri care sa asigure dezvoltarea cu success a potentialului turistic al tarii noastre in produse turistice atractive. Pentru a raspunde nevoilor vizitatorilor straini si a le oferi o vacanta de neuitat in Romania, serviciile turistice oferite trebuie sa respecte cele mai inalte standarde de calitate si profesionalism, totul sustinut de o retea solida de centre de informare turistica. Ne-am propus sa aflam cate centre de informare turistica exista in Bucuresti in anul 2016!

Conform datelor furnizate de Institutul National de Statistica in analiza activitatii de turism in anul 2015, 9,33 milioane de vizitatori straini au ajuns in Romania in anul 2015, in crestere cu 10,5% fata de anul 2014. Dintre acestia, cei mai multi au ajuns, curiosi, in capitala pentru a descoperi farmecul aparte al Bucurestiului presarat cu constructii megalomanice sumbre ce poarta amprenta regimului comunist, dar pastrand totusi din atmosfera glorioasei “Belle Epoque”, cand Bucurestiul era boem si eclectic, renumit ca “Micului Paris”.

Ajunsi in Bucuresti, acesti turisti straini se orienteaza catre centrele de informare turistica pentru a primi informatii si detalii coerente si de actualitate, asa cum se intampla in marile orase europene unde aceste centre, plasate strategic, ofera servicii si materiale ce incurajeaza turistii sa descopere orasul. In 2016 in Bucuresti exista trei astfel de centre de informare turistica, conform cautarilor noastre – Centrul de Informare Turistica al Primariei Municipiului Bucuresti din pasajul Universitatii si centrele private Bucharest Tourist Info de pe Calea Victoriei si Tourist & Volunteer Information Center din Centrul Vechi.

Bucharest Tourist Info este primul centru privat de informare turistica din Bucuresti si anul acesta implineste 2 ani de existenta pe Calea Victoriei. In tot acest timp, mii de turisti au primit consultanta specializata pentru o vacanta ideala in Bucuresti, harti gratuite si brosuri despre oras, acces gratuit la wi-fi, spatiu de depozitare si toate serviciile pe care centrele din marile capitale europene le pun la dispozitie. Agentia Mr. Tripp, specializata pe segmentul incoming, a deschis centrul de informare turistica in 2014 pentru a veni in ajutor turistilor straini care aleg sa viziteze si sa descopere Bucurestiul si care au nevoie de indrumare specializata, la momentul respectiv in Bucuresti existand un singur astfel de centru. Centrul Bucharest Tourist Info include si un magazin de suveniruri si produse traditionale unde turistii pot gasi amintirea perfecta din vacanta in Romania.

Anul 2016 a inceput promitator pentru turismul romanesc, in primul rand Transilvania a fost desemnata prima regiune din lume pentru o vacanta de neuitat in 2016 de catre Loney Planet iar in presa straina, tara noastra si obiectivele sau zonele turistice emblematice apar mentionate din ce in ce mai des: Daily Mail a publicat un articol insotit de un set de fotografii impresionante facute in statele izolate din Maramures, The Sun recomanda un weekend in Transilvania, iar Vogue pune Bucurestiul pe lista de “must-travel to in 2016”.


Centrul Bucharest Tourist Info este plasat in centrul orasului, usor accesibil turistilor ce strabat zona incercand sa descopere orasul si este singurul centru de informare turistica din Bucuresti deschis in weekend. Turistii pot apela cu incredere la Bucharest Tourist Info pentru servicii de informare turistica la standarde europene si cele mai bune sfaturi despre oras!

Bucharest Tourist Info

68-70 Calea Victoriei, Bucuresti

Luni – Sambata: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Duminica: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Tel: +4 | +4 0745.752.753

Email: touristinfo@mrtripp.ro

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BucharestTouristInfo/

Foreign tourist in Bucharest Tourist Information Centre looking!

Bucharest, March 15

The number of foreign tourists who choose to visit Romania is growing from year to year, generating significant revenues and speeding while adopting measures to ensure the successful development of the tourism potential of our country attractive tourism products. To meet the needs of foreign visitors and give them a vacation in Romania, tourist services must meet the highest standards of quality and professionalism, all supported by a solid network of tourist information centers. We aimed to find out how many tourist information centers exist in Bucharest in 2016!

According to data from the National Statistics Institute analysis of tourism activity in 2015, 9.33 million foreign visitors arrived in Romania in 2015, up 10.5% from 2014. Of these, most they arrived, curious, in the capital to discover the charm of Bucharest dotted with construction megalomaniac gloomy bears the imprint of communism, but still keeping the atmosphere of the glorious „Belle Epoque”, when Bucharest was bohemian and eclectic, known as „Little Paris”.

Arriving in Bucharest, these foreign tourists are turning to tourist information centers to receive information and details consistent and timely information, as happens in major European cities where these centers, strategically placed, provides services and materials that encourage tourists to discover the city . 2016 in Bucharest there are three such tourist information centers, according to our search – Tourist Information Center Bucharest City Hall University arcade and private centers Tourist Info Bucharest on Calea Victoriei and Tourist Information & Volunteer Center in Old Town.

Bucharest Tourist Info is the first private tourist information center in Bucharest this year celebrates two years of existence on Calea Victoriei. Meanwhile, thousands of tourists have received specialized consultancy for an ideal holiday in Bucharest, free maps and brochures about the city, free wi-fi, storage space and all the services that the centers of major European capitals make available . Mr. Tripp agency, specialized in the segment incoming, tourist information center opened in 2014 to come to the rescue of foreign tourists who choose to visit and discover Bucharest and who need specialized guidance at that time in Bucharest there is one such center. Bucharest tourist info center includes a gift shop and traditional products where tourists can find the perfect holiday memories in Romania.

2016 started promising for the Romanian tourism, primarily Transylvania was awarded the first region in the world for an unforgettable holiday in 2016 by Loney Planet and the foreign media, our country and objectives or tourist areas emblematic occur mentioned increasingly often Daily Mail published an article accompanied by a set of impressive photos taken in Member isolated from Maramures, the Sun recommends a weekend in Transylvania and Bucharest Vogue put on the list of „must-travel to 2016”.

Bucharest Tourist Info Centre is located downtown, easily accessible to tourists passing through the area trying to discover the city and is the only tourist information center in Bucharest opened on weekends. Tourists can use with confidence Bucharest tourist info tourist information services at European standards and best advice about the city!

Bucharest Tourist Info
68-70 Calea Victoriei, Bucharest

Monday – Saturday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tel: +4 | +4 0745.752.753
E-mail: touristinfo@mrtripp.ro
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BucharestTouristInfo/


Cine suntem si ce facem? Suntem un portal de turism ce prezinta piata turistica din Romania. Facem promovare online pentru orice companie din turism. Lansat in 18 iunie 2002, ajunge intr-un an in primile 5 portaluri de turism din Romania. Reusim sa ne pastram in top 15 de 22 ani de zile. Avem o medie de 2.500 de vizitatori unici/zi (aprilie - august ajunge chiar la 4.000 de vizitatori unici/zi). Din martie 2011 avem si acest blog care a depasit deja 2.600 de articole scrise.

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