Category: ROMEXPO

TTR – The biggest event in Romania dedicated to the tourism industry

65 ViewsOf major importance for the tourism sector in Romania’s Tourism Fair held at ROMEXPO meets annually in two editions, elite companies in the field both in the country and around the world. Fall...

Filme de la Targul de Turism al Romaniei by TRAVEL MIX (Televiziune de turism) partea a doua

Filme de la Targul de Turism al Romaniei by TRAVEL MIX (Televiziune de turism) partea a doua

50 ViewsGalerie foto TTR martie 2012 | Galerie video 1 TTR martie 2012 | Galerie video 2 TTR Filme TTR by TRAVEL MIX 1| Filme TTR by TRAVEL MIX 2 | Filme TTR by...