Mamaia station - overnamed "the Perle of the Litoral"
"the Perle of the Litoral"-has the biggest number of touristes,
from this year its look has been changed
the hotels have been renovated and on the beach have been planted palmers
by the order of the Ministery of Tourisme.
Useful informations :
The entrance taxe in station is: 1 $ /car(taxe valable for each entrance
in Mamaia)
Parking taxe:between 1 $ and 6 $ /day(depending on place).
Station taxe who is 3%-5% from the value of the holiday, depending on
the category of the hotel.
You can buy:sun glasses( 1 - 2 $),beer(1 $ ),mineral water(0,5 $),pizza(
2 - 6 $);
in the front of complexe Perla:t-shorts( 2 $),undershirts( 1 $ ) and bathing-suits(
3 $ )...
The price of the buses:on the route Constanta-Mangalia,between the hours
6.00 and 22.00 at every 20 minutes.
The price is 1 $ /person
Minibuses on the route Constanta-Mangalia( 1 $ /ticket).
In Mamaia station - the minibus betwee 7.00 and midnight(10.000 lei/persone
on the route Perla Complexe- Melody Bar.
and climatic maritime station, situated in the north of Constanta between
the waters of the Black Sea and Siutghiol lake, with a beach of around 10
km lenght and between 50 and 200m large.The first watering arrangement-a
bridge in wood who is avanced towards sea, with cabines on the both sides-was
made in 1906;after 1919 station enjoy of a large interess:the dunes were
leveled , was built the Casino(1925),between 1934-1940 were built the first
particular vilas,un hotel,the royal residence for summer.Between 1959-1965
in Mamaia were built the tatament base who includes the hotels Parc, Perla
,Aurora, Doina , Flora, Victoria-in south;Unirea, Orfeu, Comandor, Lido,
Ammbasador, Savoy -in north, vilas, holiday village, discos, restaurantes,bars
, bawling,sport grounds,summer theatre, cinema.
On Siutghiol lake(7,5km lenght;2,5km medium breadth, 1900 hectares,17m maximal
deeper)can be practiced nautic ski, yachting,etc.Siutghiol lake has one
island-Ovidiu-formed bi calcareus stones,with a surface of 2ha and a maximum
altitude of 5m.