Targul de turism international WTM Londra 6-8 noiembrie 2017
Categorie eveniment: Targ turism international Localitate: Londra, Anglia
Anglia, Londra
Denumire targ turism: WTM World Travel Market
Perioada de desfasurare: 06-08 noiembrie 2017
Suprafata/tip stand (m.p.): 315 mp/standard
Relevanta internationala a manifestarii: cel mai importand targ international de turism din UK
Numar vizitatori 2015: 50.000
Numar expozanti 2015: 4.800
World Travel Market London is the leading global event for the travel industry to meet industry professionals and conduct business deals. Through its industry networks, unrivalled global reach, WTM London creates personal and business opportunities, providing customers with quality contacts, content and communities.